ADE Costa Rica Board legalized
9 Costa Ricans, 3 Nicaraguans, 1 Puerto Rican, 1 Korean American and 2 North Americans signed on September 12th the constitutional bylaws of ADE Costa Rica in the presence of a lawyer. Some members include a grandmother of one of ADE's high school students, a strawberry farmer in Vara Blanca, an accountant, business owners, a counselor, a mechanic, an architect, educational directors, pastors, and secretaries for universities. None of the ADE staff are on the administrative board of directors to maintain a healthy separation thus ensuring better accountability. A lawyer went over in great detail the constitution for all the members. Our president, Hannia Ramirez, organized a overnight pajama party in Vara Blanca for the members to get to know each other better. We're looking forward to it and to what the future holds!
Written by Chelsea Dozier
Written by Chelsea Dozier