Thanksgiving and Ceremony

       Once again, for the third year, we enjoyed a sweet time with students and their families in celebration of Thanksgiving and to congratulate the students for finishing another cycle of classes. Like the other years, we had a table full of delicious traditional Thanksgiving food and of course the desserts!

thanksgiving ade costa rica

       Thanksgiving is such an important part of our culture and along with sharing the English language it is important to share culture, and especially Thanksgiving. I was able to share the Thanksgiving story with those in attendance and teach some new Thanksgiving related vocabulary. Even though the story of the First Thanksgiving is unique to the United States, the gist is something that is applicable all around the world. There are many Costa Ricans that have already adopted celebrating Thanksgiving into their families, businesses and churches. It is a time to come together with family and friends and enjoy delicious food, while also remembering the things we are thankful for.

english student thanksgiving food ade costa rica

       As Christians, I believe Thanksgiving is even more important. Although we should give thanks to God every second of every day, Thanksgiving gives us an excuse to stop and take a break from our busy everyday lives and really think about what God has done for us.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; 
give thanks to him and praise his name. 
– Psalm 100:4

       This year, unlike other years, every person in attendance was asked to share what they were thankful for. The English students shared in English, while their families and friends shared in Spanish. It was a nice time to come together with the students and their families and share the blessings of God. We were able to share in community both the delicious food and about the Wonderful God we serve.

english students thanksgiving ade costa rica

       As we are now in the Christmas season, I challenge us (myself included) to not get caught up in the busyness, but instead take time to thank God for the amazing gift He gave us through His son. Though in this season we celebrate a baby, we mustn’t forget the ultimate sacrifice when He gave His life for us.

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